THH would like everyone to take this online group training. Interacting and chatting to Service Users is arguably the most valuable activity you all kindly do whilst volunteering!
Next session: We plan to run 2 sessions in February:
- Online via Teams at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start on Wednesday 12th February &
- In person at THH in the training room at 2pm on Thursday 13th February.
Sessions typically last just over an hour. We do hope this is sufficient notice for those who haven’t attended yet to make one of these sessions, THH would like all volunteers to attend.
Teams meeting details for Wednesday 12th February 7:15 for a 7:30 start.
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now by clicking this link
Meeting ID: 356 602 183 459
Passcode: y8XS7cL6
All interactions matter:
- THH follows a trauma lead approach, providing a caring, holistic, person-centered service, unique for each person, designed to help them move forward; for SUs moving towards overcoming their current problems, perhaps leading to training, volunteering, and/or employment and ultimately full or partial independence.
- Trauma informed care is relevant to everyone, THH works in a trauma informed way regardless of the length of the interaction.
The Impact of Momentary Interactions is shown in this short video: