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FREE Half Term Activity – make and eat your own yummy lunch!

We are excited to be offering a FREE Half Term Activity for families this May. Get involved with hands-on activities that will teach tips and tricks for families to prepare healthy lunchboxes on a tight budget.

If you are short of ideas for affordable healthy lunchbox ideas, or know anyone that would benefit from our event, spread the word and book a space. More details below:

Date: Thursday 30th May
Time: 11am – 1:30pm
Location: St Martin’s Church, 21 Upper College Ride, Old Dean, Camberley, Surrey GU15 4HE

Activities will include something for everyone:

  • Pre-schoolers – have fun rolling, spreading, cutting and snacking on colourful healthy foods.
  • Older kids – try your hand at making pin wheels, wraps and berry puddings. Put together a lunchbox salad adding your favourite foods and flavours to pasta, rice and couscous.
  • Check out how much sugar and salt are in your favourite food and find some healthier swaps.

Enjoy a lunch together with friends and family, away from school.

If you would like any further information about the event, get in touch:

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