Our tri-fold flyer gives an overview of what we do, how people can help and key contacts for Service Users. It should always be at hand in the Crisis or at Events to give out to anyone showing an interest in THH services. Open it up, and you will see the THH Services Pathway mapped out from Crisis through to Empowerment.
The Living Well Portfolio includes a range of activities, workshops and courses we offer Service Users to help them along their journey to Empowerment. What we deliver varies according to Service User need, funding and staffing levels. Volunteer support is also crucial for the successful delivery of all aspects of the Living Well Portfolio.
Examples of Living Well Activities include opportunities to play board games, do jigsaws or craft activities. These are helping to engage Service Users using the hub to keep warm this winter. The Welcome Team log SU engagement which contributes to our monthly report backs to funders and accounting, such as the SCC Warm Welcome Venue and SHBC Warm Hub grants.
Living Well Workshops are generally one-off sessions held at the hub, but the EAS is better for group cooking and a quieter space for mental health workshops. At times, we also use the EAS garden and go out for walks in the community. Feel Well Workshops cover a wide range of mental health and wellbeing topics, such as Managing difficult feelings, Addiction, and Building self-confidence. Other workshops promote physical health, such as Healthy eating, Choosing food for mood, and Cooking demonstrations.
When funding permits, we may link a series of workshops into a short course, such as Affordable Cookery, Basic Budgeting and Understanding Tenancies. Courses are great for building up a support group and a routine commitment, which can help Service Users to become work ready. However, they are expensive to run and challenging to fund, so our goal is to include more of the Living Well course content in ‘bite-sized’ activities in the Crisis area. This means that whatever your interests or offer of time there should be a channel for your specific skills and expertise.